Welcome to eDisclosure

This website will allow you to prepare and submit your Form 700 electronically, view prior completed forms, and view your disclosure category.


  • This program is secure, password protected, and performs an error check prior to finalization to assure your Form 700 is accurate.  
  • eDisclosure is accessible 24/7 and online help is available in the form of video tutorials and user guides located under the Help menu.
  • Once your initial Form 700 is completed in eDisclosure, the system allows information to be copied from a prior filing and used for your next filing.  


If you are using Internet Explorer, you may need to add https://edisclosure.placerelections.com as a trusted site. To do so, open your internet browser, click on tools, select internet options, choose the security tab, choose trusted sites or click the sites button, add the eDisclosure website, and click add.  You may also wish to update your Internet Explorer to the most recent version.


Your login is your full email address and if you have forgotten, or wish to change your password, you may select "forgot my password".


Upon login, you will see a list of your positions requiring a Statement of Economic Interests Form 700.  Simply choose "Start Filing Now".  Once your Form 700 is completed and submitted electronically, you will receive an email confirmation.  Your filing will be saved in your online e-filing cabinet under "previous filings".


If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact either your filing official or our office.

Thank you for utilizing eDisclosure and we hope you find this an easy and convenient way to fulfill your filing requirement.

Fair Political Practices Commission Hotline
Contact the Fair Political Practices Commission Toll Free Help Line at 1-866-ASK-FPPC (1-866-275-3772) to speak with a Political Reform Consultant to receive advice and ask technical questions. FPPC web site